Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa Drives a Fire Truck

Here we are at the kid's Christmas party at the fire station.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Craft Time

My friend Mandy asked how to make the silhouette below. It was super easy.

1. Take a profile of your subject.
2. Print the picture out from your computer.
3. Trace around the edge of the silhouette with a dark pen for your cutting line.
4. Gluestick the edge of the picture to a piece of black construction paper. Keep clear of the cutting line as you do not want that part to be stuck to the final cut-out.
5. Cut out the image.
6. Take the black image and glue it to a white piece of construction paper.
7. Viola! Super easy and inexpensive Christmas present, or artwork for your house.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Noelle's Photo Session

Noelle loves to play on our bed. Today was an especially fun day for her
as the entire contents of Adam's dresser was on the bed. I was painting, and she had a great time.

I went to MOPS this week and we did a fun project. It was far trickier than I had suspected to take a profile of Noelle. Every time I got the camera ready she would be looking at me smiling. So here are the results. I liked her hair-do that day.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas in November

We went down the day after Thanksgiving to celebrate the holiday with my family. We had a fantastic time. Since we are not going to be there for Christmas we celebrated both holidays in one weekend. Here are a few pictures of our great double holiday weekend.

Gigi & GG-Pa
Grandpa reading with his pal Herbie.
Winston scaling Adam in pursuit of the Frisbee.
The Wizner Fam
Noelle's very first hair-combing. Looking good.
Noelle trying out some of her new presents. Check out her fuzzy boots!

Izzy teaching Tyler to trow the ball to her.
Noelle smelling the roses.
Grammie & Noelle taking a tour of the yard.
Gigi smelling the roses.
Natalie & Tyler taking a tour of the yard.
Cousins hanging out together.
My sister made these great vintage aprons for us ladies.
Kate, my friend and roommate from college came over for a visit.

Noelle was taught how to shoot a gun....just kidding.

Izzy even got in a swim.