Tuesday, June 17, 2008


The girl now smiles. This has been so much fun for us. It was difficult at first to catch this on camera, but now we have a few pics to share.

Adam was having fun with Noelle in this one. He loves to make her laugh and smile.

This one is for the bonnet loving moms (or Grandma's shall I say).


D clan 5 said...

What a cutie!!!

Wisners said...

SOOO cute! Thanks so much for the new pics. I've been dying to see them. Can't get enough of little Noelle!

Love you all.

Amy B said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the new pictures. I just cannot wait to see that little girl in person!

Jared and Leah Davis said...

She is so beautiful! The first picture is my favorite. :) Hope we get to see you guys again soon!

Love you,


grindy14 said...

Hopefully she'll never grow into that hat Adam! She's growing up quick you guys. The Davidson boy and Grindy boy will definitely be competing for her! Not Tyler though, sorry that's just gross.

Beth said...

loooove all the photos but the first one is the best!!

Ann Bradley said...

That smile melts my heart.

Brooke Fuentes said...

Oh my goodness...
Thanks for the new pics, that smile is just to die for! You can tell she has a big personality already! Such a happy lil girl! See you guys in a couple days!

Auntie Brooke

Julia Bradley said...

She needs to stop growing until I can get up there and see her! She's precious and I love her more everyday! The first picture is cute - but the one in your hat Adam is my favorite!

Julia Bradley said...
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Beth said...

So, Adam and Ali, how are things going up there? Tim and I were talking about the fires last night and we were thinking of you. Has Adam been out fighting fires? We hope you three are doing well!