Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rock Star on Vacation

Ok, so I had to post this. We took a little vacation up to my parent's cabin and Adam needed a little extra under clothing for his outdoor ventures...and this is what my mom found in my dad's closet for him to use...we thought he looked like a rock star. My mom loves to read with Noelle.
And here are Tyler and Noelle hanging out together. They are just now starting to interact with each other. I think they are going to be good buddies.

Dave, Natalie, Tyler and my parents came up for the weekend, and then just the three of us had a little cabin vacation. We had a great time. Here are some pictures of our mini-break:

1 comment:

D clan 5 said...

Has the fire department seen that photo of it's favorite "flamer?" ahahahahahahahh