Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oat Angels and Butter Fingers...Thats Me!

So, I really have had the "dropsies" lately. Especially in the kitchen. Thankfully I have little "helpers" that like to play in my messes. Izzy loved eating the oats, and Noelle was having fun making oat angels in the pile, oh and those are chocolate chips in her hand...like mother like daughter. And for Brooke...this is part of the kitchen...More pictures to come.


Ann Bradley said...

Chocolate Chips? Hmmm, she had better hide those from Papa!

Brooke Fuentes said...


Ah yes,...making oat angels in the kitchen, things she will remember from her strange childhood! I love it, looks like fun! Thanks for the kitchen picture. I saw in a previous photo that you have a dishwasher...welcome to the 20th century!
Love you all, Brooke