Monday, January 18, 2010

El Nino Esta Aqui !

Here is my attempt to write in Spanish...probably grammatically incorrect, and maybe misspelled too, but I thought it would be fun to give it a go in the spirit of El Nino!

Noelle calls these "Daddy's boots"

She got to walk the dog today.

Noelle, Izzy and I wanted to try out her new rain boots (thank you Grammie and Grampa) and rain coat (thank you Auntie Lauren), and they work fantastically well. And we all had a great time splashing around outside in the puddles.


Ann Bradley said...

Kids and puddles = tons of fun memories!!

deee said...

what a cutie pie! love the outfit.
it's hailing and thundering here- ew

philemgreene said...

She gets cuter and cuter every day.