Friday, July 2, 2010

Just a Taste

We have been busy little bees this summer. Sorry I have gotten behind on the blog. I am going to try to catch up, but for is just a taste of what we have been up to.

Our 5 year Anniversary.

Our first House!!
Praise the Lord!!!
Which means...lots of housework.

Fun trip to Sac for Mother's Day.

Trying to potty train...key word..TRYING!

Yosemite with the Bradley & Allen Families...super fun...and beautiful.

Lauren's College Graduation at UCSD

Our little fireman. (3 months)

Trip to Adam's firehouse.
Auntie Nan & Cousin Tyler came down for a visit.
Adam gave us a ride in the fire engine, and the kids got to play in and around all of the fire equipment. Daddy has a fun job.


D clan 5 said...

Looks like you guys have been busy! What a fun summer so far! Congrats on 5 years!!! :) Love that pic of you two! :)

HopeE said...

Your first house? Did you buy one? And are you still in Ventura???

Anyway -- CONGRATS on 5 years!!! Woohoo!!

deee said...

busy bees! congrats on five years!!

moscow daily photo said...

He look just like Noe there in the boots! Why do your kids have the wildest hair ever?